
第一课 语序和五种基本句式

  1. 五种基本句式

    • S+V (主语+谓语)
    • S+V+P (主语+系+表语)
    • S+V+O (主语+谓语+宾语)
    • S+V+O+O (主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语)
    • S+V+O+C (主语+谓语+宾语+宾补)


第二课 Be动词

  1. be,is,am,are,was,were,being,been
  2. 例子

    1. the man is back.
    2. they are back.
    3. he was back
    4. They were back
    5. they have been back.
  3. 用法 连系,接名词,形容词,地点副词或短语作为补主语。

    1. the man is a teacher. 现在时
    2. mary's new dresses are colorful.
    3. my mother was in the kitchen. 过去时
    4. he has been a teacher for 3 years. 完成时

    第三课 Be动词的否定/提问/回答

在am,is,are,was,were后面加 not 即可

  1. 否定

    1. the man isn't back.
    2. I am not back.
    3. they aren't back.
    4. he was't back.
    5. they weren't back.
  2. 使用be动词提问和回答

    1. Is he a teacher? -yes,he is / no,he isn't
    2. Are you a teacher? -yes,i am/no,I am not.
    3. were they teacher? -yes,they were/no,they weren't
  3. 练习

    1. 他们是医生吗?
      Is he a doctor? - NO,he isn't
    2. 他们昨天在教室吗?
      Were they in the classroom yesterday? -Yes,they were
    3. 他们昨天不在教室。
      They weren't in the classroom yesterday.

第四课 代词的主格和宾格

  1. 主格代词: I,he,she,it,you,we,they
  2. 宾格代词: me,him,her,it,you,us,them
  3. 练习

    1. 我喜欢TA。 I like him/her/it.
    2. 他们认识他。 They know him.